We automate your work by mimicking what you do on your screen
Yarado connects business applications to increase your effectiveness. We create silent employees who enable you to reach great heights.
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What problems can Yarado help you with?
Think of all those hours you spent performing repetitive tasks on a computer.
Whether it's copying an Excel file to another application, filling out forms or moving files from one folder to another.
Now think of departments full of bright minds around the world who have to perform these kinds of tasks.
That time and energy would be better spent doing work that is critical to your business. Also, it's demotivating to do the same work day in and day out.
That's what Yarado solves.
Yarado's software robot can communicate with a user interface just as a human can, providing ultimate flexibility.
You choose whether you want to be informed somewhere in the process. If not, you just get a report of the process in your mailbox.
How Yarado's softwarerobots work
Imagine all the apps you use for work, working together smoothly. Yarado links over a thousand apps so work flows automatically.
Our software robot automates your work by mimicking what you do on your screen, but 10x faster, 24/7 and without errors.
After you record the process with Yarado, and determine which triggers or rules you want to attach to the process, everything happens automatically.
Yarado can continue to perform unlimited actions for you and automate an entire process - not just one task. An entire workflow can run in the background while you prepare your pitch for a client, and focus on closing that deal, or spend more time with patients and provide them with appropriate care.
You really feel the magic when you wake up to a message that 1,047 invoices were successfully processed while you slept.
Why companies are excited about Yarado's Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Because it is so flexible, it has many advantages for many departments in the organization.
You can use Yarado's RPA to reduce your invoice processing time from 1 week to 1 day.
Saving 1 hour a day will already save you money. More results, faster and with less of your own effort.